All payments can be made either by check, money order, or credit/debit card via PayPal (with or without an account).
For membership renewals, when paying by check or money order, please follow the renewal letter instructions. When paying through PayPal, please use the appropriate dropdown menu. Membership renewals received after March 31st, must use the "late" renewal option.
Membership cards will be mailed when all fees, including applicable late fees are received.
For Sewer Maintenance School registration, when paying by check or money order, please follow the announcement instructions.
When paying through PayPal, please use the appropriate dropdown menu. Ensure the payment references the attendees' name or names of multiple attendees. Sewer Maintenance School registration payments made after
April 30th, must use the "late" registration option.
Make all checks or money orders payable to WWCPA.
Please send any address, phone, or email changes and/or employer updates to or mail to
16109 25th Ave E, Tacoma, WA 98445.