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Articles of Incorporation
- Purpose
- General Policies
- Definitions
- Membership
- Board of Directors of the Association
- General Procedure
- Qualifications for Certification of Wastwater Collection Personnel
- Issuance of Certificates and Evidence of Renewal
- Fees for Certification and Membership
- Procedures for Amending the By-Laws of the Association
I, the undersigned person, acting as incorporator of a corporation under the provisions of the Washington Non-profit Corporation Act (RCW 24.03), adopt the following Articles of Incorporation for such corporation:
The period of duration of the corporation shall be perpetual.
The purposes for which the corporation is organized are to provide a system by which wastewater collection personnel may be examined and rated by qualified persons in their own field, thereby establishing a standard of proficiency for those occupying positions of public trust involved with wastewater collection facilities, and to evaluate, recognize and certify special talents and capabilities of individuals to supervise, maintain and operate wastewater collection facilities which are vital to the health, safety, comfort and economy of the citizens of the State of Washington.
The business and affairs shall be managed by a Board of Directors, all as set forth in the By-Laws of the corporation.
Upon dissolution or final liquidation of the corporation, the assets of the corporation shall be distributed as determined by the Board of Directors to the benefit of wastewater collection system personnel in the State of Washington.
The manner of selection and qualification of members shall be as set forth in the By-Laws of the corporation. Certificates evidencing membership in said corporation may be issued by the corporation to its members as provided in the By-Laws of the corporation.
The address of the registered office-of the corporation shall be 3414 East 44th Ave, Spokane WA 99223. The name of the registered agent of the corporation at such address shall be William R. Peacock.
Dated: January 1, 2013
William R. Peacock |
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In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of the WASHINGTON WASTEWATER COLLECTION PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the ASSOCIATION, (a non-profit corporation of the State of Washington), and in accordance with the purpose of said ASSOCIATION, the following BY-LAWS are adopted. |
1.1 The specific purpose of the ASSOCIATION is to establish and maintain a Washington Voluntary Certification Program for Wastewater Collection Personnel; which Program shall evaluate, recognize and certify the special talents, skills and capabilities of individuals to supervise, maintain and operate wastewater collection facilities which are vital to the health, safety, comfort and economy of the citizens of the State of Washington.
1.2 The principle objectives of the ASSOCIATION and of the Voluntary Certification Program are:
- To establish confidence of employers and the public in the people who are responsible for supervising, operating and maintaining wastewater collection facilities.
- To stimulate desire for self-improvement and pride in the work of wastewater collection personnel.
- To provide wastewater collection personnel with certifications of proficiency which will be useful in their present positions or in seeking new employment.
- To improve the knowledge and prestige of anyone employed in the field of wastewater collection.
1.3 From the standpoint of employers, or prospective employers, the ASSOCIATION will be of benefit by:
- Providing a standard by which wastewater collection personnel may be judged or selected.
- Helping to create or to improve confidence of the public in the competency of wastewater collection personnel.
- Encouraging individuals to better prepare themselves to perform capably within the field of wastewater collection.
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2.1 This is a voluntary ASSOCIATION and any person meeting the requirements herein set forth is eligible for membership.
2.2 All wastewater collection personnel, even though in subordinate positions are encouraged to apply for certification in the highest grade consistent with their qualifications in order that a roster of certified wastewater collection personnel can be created.
2.3 Applicants are urged to apply for the highest grade of certification consistent with their experience and training at the earliest date consistent with their advancement in training and experience.
2.4 Certification by, and membership in, this ASSOCIATION is intended, to supplement and compliment other certification programs. Wastewater treatment plant operators or water supply personnel who now hold, or who shall subsequently qualify for, certificates issued by other certification programs should not regard Wastewater Collection Specialist Certification as a replacement or alternative to such other certification. If an individual involved in wastewater treatment or water supply work should also be involved in wastewater collection duties, that individual is encouraged to also become certified as a Wastewater Collection Specialist. Similarly, if a Certified Wastewater Collection Specialist qualifies for other certifications, then such other certification is recommended. |
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3.1 "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Washington Wastewater Collection Personnel ASSOCIATION functioning as described herein and in whom the responsibility for implementing and administrating this program is vested.
3.2 "Wastewater" means those waters, and such impurities as those waters may contain, that are discharged or drained from residences, buildings, industrial establishments, streets or other places. It is intended that the term shall include both sanitary sewage and storm drainage whether conveyed in separate or combined conduits.
3.3 "Wastewater Facilities" means the facilities for collecting, pumping, treating, and disposing of wastewater including the collection system or systems, treatment works and all other functional parts.
3.4 "Wastewater Collection Facilities" shall mean that, or those, portion(s) of the wastewater-facility in which wastewater is received from the point of origin and conveyed to a point of treatment or discharge.
3.5 "Wastewater Collection Personnel" means any person who is at any time engaged in the supervision, operation or maintenance of a wastewater collection facility in part or in whole.
3.6 "Certificate" means a certificate issued by the Board attesting the fact that certificate holders have proven their qualifications for supervising operating or maintaining a given class of wastewater collection facility according to the requirements stated herein.
3.7 "Population" when used herein shall designate the number of people served by the collection facilities. It shall be determined by either census reports or the number of domestic services multiplied by 3.5.
3.8 "Washington Sections of the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA)" means those organized regional sections of PNCWA that are entirely or predominantly within the State of Washington. Where reference is made to "the defined areas" of such sections, it means that boundaries for the constituencies of ASSOCIATION members will be the same as the boundaries of the Washington Sections of PNCWA as established by PNCWA.
3.9 "Continuing Education Units or C.E.U.'s" means an evaluated unit of training as defined in a national program for evaluation of continuing education courses or efforts. In general, one (1) C.E.U. shall be awarded for each ten (10) hours of classroom lecture activity with laboratory or drill exercises evaluated at a lesser equivalency. Partial C.E.U.'s may be awarded and counted. |
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4.1 There shall be three types of membership in the ASSOCIATION as follows:
- Certified Members
- Associate Members
- Corporate/Institutional Members
The qualifications and requirements for obtaining and retaining each type of membership shall be as specified in sections 4.0 to 4.5; 6.1; 7.0 to 7.6; 8.0 to 8.5 and 9.0 to 9.6.
4.2 Certified Members of the ASSOCIATION shall be only those individuals who hold a valid Certificate of competency in the Washington Voluntary Certification Program for Wastewater Collection Personnel and who hold a currently valid annual certificate renewal. The rights and privilege of all Certified Members to vote and hold office shall be the same for all Certified Members without regard to level or classification of certificate.
4.3 Associate Members of the ASSOCIATION shall be restricted to individuals who have applied for such membership and whose application demonstrates that they have specific interest in the field of wastewater collection. Associate Members need not hold Certificates of competency in the Voluntary Certificate Program. Associate membership is intended to allow and encourage participation in-the ASSOCIATION by individuals who are employed by, or engaged in, state or federal agencies; educational institutions; construction firms; engineering or planning design firms; the vending of materials, services or supplies; or other related activities, Associate membership also provides for participation in the ASSOCIATION by individuals employed by wastewater utilities who are either not yet qualified to become Certified Members or whose range of duties and capabilities restricts them from becoming Certified Members.
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4.4 Corporate/Institutional Members of the ASSOCIATION shall be restricted to municipalities, utility districts, companies, corporations, institutions, agencies or unions who have applied for corporate membership and whose application documents that they have specific interest in the field of wastewater collection. Each Corporate/Institutional Member may designate one individual to represent their interest in the ASSOCIATION and such individual shall be accorded the same rights and privileges as an Associate Member.
4.5 All applications for Associate or Corporate/Institutional membership shall be received by the Secretary-Treasurer of the ASSOCIATION and considered by the Board of Directors at any scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. If approved by the Board, the applicant will be notified of such approval and billed for initiation fees and dues as specified in Sections 9.0 through 9.6 herein.
4.6 The annual meeting of the membership of the ASSOCIATION shall be held during the month of May in each year, the time, date and place of which is to be determined by the affirmative vote of the membership voting at the previous annual meeting of the ASSOCIATION. The first annual meeting of the members of the ASSOCIATION to be held during the calendar year 1976 shall be on the 29th day of March, 1976, at the hour of 10:00 AM at Ellensburg. |
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5.1 The Board of Directors of the ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the Board, shall consist of up to thirteen members as follows:
- Seven Section Directors, one each to represent each of the six defined areas of the Washington Sections of the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) plus one to represent Oregon as a section. The initial terms will expire as indicated. Vacant positions may be filled by the Board until July 1, 1977, after which time the Certified Members residing in the defined areas will elect Section Directors by mailed ballots.
Inland Empire Section
Northwest Washington Section
Southwest Washington Section
Columbia Basin Section
Puget Sound Section
Yakima Section
December 31, 1978
December 31, 1978
December 31, 1979
December 31, 1979
December 31, 1980
December 31, 1980
- One Director for the Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts.
- One Director for the Association of Washington Cities.
- One Director who shall be actively engaged in vocational training of wastewater personnel and who shall be selected by the other members of the Board.
- One Director who shall represent all Corporate/Institutional Members and who shall be selected and appointed by the other Board Members. This appointment shall be for a term of three years and can be extended as determined by the board.
(Section 5.1 above is as amended by vote of the members on May, 2003 at the Annual Meeting.
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5.2 The Sectional Directors shall initially be elected or selected by their respective PNCWA Sections but shall be elected by mail ballot of Certified Members of the ASSOCIATION residing in the defined areas of each such PNCWA Section area after July 1, 1977. To he eligible to serve as a Section Director of the ASSOCIATION after January 1, 1978, an individual shall be a Certified Member of the ASSOCIATION and shall reside within the area of the PNCWA Section to be represented.
5.3 The Directors representing the Washington State Association of Sewer Districts, the Association of Washington Cities, and the Department of Ecology shall be appointed by the associations or agencies they are to represent. They shall serve for such period as pleases the appointing authority in each case. If not members of the ASSOCIATION at the time of their appointment as Directors, such appointed Directors would be expected to fulfill all requirements and become Associate Members of the ASSOCIATION.
5.4 The Director who is to be actively engaged in vocational training of wastewater personnel and who is to be selected by the other Directors of the Board shall hold one of the three types of membership in the ASSOCIATION during such period of appointment. The period of such appointment shall be for three years.
5.5 A meeting of the Board shall be called and convened annually on the last Friday of January of each year, at such time and at such place as the Board shall determine at the previous meeting. At such meeting the Board shall elect officers from among the Directors as follows:
- Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of the ASSOCIATION.
- Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Vice-President of the ASSOCIATION.
- Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Directors and of the ASSOCIATION.
5.6 All business of the ASSOCIATION shall be conducted by the Board of Directors during regular or special meetings at which a quorum is present and for which meetings a notice has been mailed or otherwise delivered to all Directors at least two weeks prior to such meeting. Any six Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
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5.7 The Board shall, have full responsibility for implementing and administering the Washington Voluntary Certification Program for Wastewater Collection Personnel. It may adopt such rules, procedures and policies, not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, as it deems necessary for the conduct of such programs.
5.8 The Board may appoint sub-committees for the purpose of carrying out the work of the Board and to act in its behalf subject to its approval.
5.9 It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board, or a special and specific-designee of the Board, to receive all applications for all types of membership in the ASSOCIATION. In the case of applications for a Certificate of competency under the Washington Voluntary Certification Program for Wastewater Collection Personnel, the Secretary or special designee shall investigate, verify and evaluate the accompanying records of each applicant to determine eligibility for examination. The Secretary shall also issue notices of need for annual renewal of certificates and/or membership, receive such renewal applications and fees, and issue appropriate evidence of such renewal. In any cases where a question of eligibility for examination or renewal is not clearly answered by Board policy, the Board shall review such application before either granting or denying eligibility for examination. The Secretary shall inform all applicants for Voluntary Certification or for membership in the ASSOCIATION of the disposition of their application.
5.10 It shall be the duty of the Board to prepare or have prepared, and conduct or have conducted, examinations for the various grades of certification established for this program; to issue certificates of the proper grade to all applicants meeting the requirements herein provided; and to perform such other duties as may be necessary to insure compliance with the provisions contained herein or established by approved policy of the Board. |
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6.1 Applications for certification, for renewal or for advancement, shall be made to the Secretary of the Board or the Board's designee, on the forms prescribed. Applications shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date of the examination.
6.2 The dates of examinations shall be published, whenever possible in the appropriate media. Upon the completion of the grading of the examination a list of successful applicants will be available upon receipt of a self- addressed envelope.
6.3 Certificates for all classes and grades as adopted by the Board will be issued by action of the Board after applicants have fully qualified themselves and within a reasonable length of time. |
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7.1 Wastewater Collection Specialist in Training (WWC-SIT)
This is an entry level of certification that provides for Certified Membership in the Association.
- Must have completed either (i) 3 months full-time equivalent employment in construction, operation and/or maintenance of wastewater collection facilities or (ii) 33 classroom hours (or equivalent Continuing Education Units C.E.U.) of specialized training related to the construction, operation or maintenance of wastewater collection facilities.
- Must have completed 12 years of general education or hold the high school G.E.D. certificate. See education experience equivalencies under Section 7.6.
- Must successfully complete the Wastewater Collection Specialist I examination at a level deemed satisfactory by the Board.
7.2 Wastewater Collection Specialist I (WWC-I)
- Must have completed either (i) one year full-time equivalent employment in the construction, operation and/or maintenance of wastewater collection facilities, or (ii) one-half year of such employment and 33 classroom hours (or equivalent Continuing Education Units - C.E.U.) of specialized training related to the construction, operation or maintenance of wastewater collection facilities.
- Must have completed 12 years of general education or hold the high school G.E.D. certificate. See education-experience equivalencies under Section 7.6.
- Must successfully complete the Wastewater Collection Specialist I examination.
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7.3 Wastewater Collection Specialist II (WWC-II)
- Must have completed three years full-time equivalent employment in the construction, operation or maintenance of wastewater collection facilities. See experience-education equivalencies in Section 7.6.
- Must have completed 12 years of general education or hold the high school G.E.D. certificate. See education-experience equivalencies under Section 7.6.
- Must successfully complete the Wastewater Collection Specialist II examination.
7.4 Wastewater Collection Specialist III (WWC-III)
This is a level of certification for the top level of supervision of medium sized collection systems or the secondary level of supervision of large collection systems.
- Must have completed four years full-time equivalent employment in a construction, operation, maintenance and/or management of wastewater collection facilities. At least two of such years shall have been at a level of experience of Wastewater Collection Specialist II or higher. See education-experience equivalencies in Section 7.6.
- Must have completed the equivalent of fourteen years of education. See education-experience equivalencies in Section 7.6.
- Must successfully complete the Wastewater Collection Specialist III examination or examinations. This examination will deal with all phases of maintenance and operation of wastewater collection facilities.
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7.5 Wastewater Collection Specialist IV (WWC-IV)
This is the top level of certification and is intended for the top level of supervision of large wastewater collection systems.
- Must have completed four years full-time equivalent employment in the construction, operation, maintenance and/or management of waste-water collection facilities. At least two of such years shall have been at a level of experience of Wastewater Collection Specialist III or higher. See experience-education equivalencies in Section 7.6.
- Must have completed the equivalent of sixteen years of education. See experience-education equivalencies Section 7.6.
- Must successfully complete the Wastewater Collection Specialist IV oral examination. This oral exam will deal with all phases of maintenance and operation of wastewater collection facilities.
- Must be capable of preparing written reports, critically reviewing plans, developing and administering operational budgets, developing and insuring the conduct of safety programs, supervising personnel, and acting on behalf of utility management in public affairs. Evidence of such capabilities must be supplied by the applicant.
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7.6 Education-Experience Equivalencies:
For purposes of certification qualifications, the following substitutions shall be allowable and within the discretion of the board's judgement:
- a. Each year of work experience in the field of wastewater collection facility construction, operation or maintenance may be substituted for one year of required education up to a maximum level of four years of high school but such years of experience may not also be used to meet experience requirements.
- b. Each year of general education above high school (as opposed to specific vocational training in wastewater collection or treatment) may be substituted for experience up to no more than two-thirds of minimum experience requirements providing such years of general education are not also used to meet education requirements. General education that is not specifically related to the design, operation, maintenance or management of wastewater facilities may not be substituted to meet years of experience that are required to be at Class II or Class III level.
- c. Each year of specialized training in the fields the wastewater collection, wastewater treatment or water supply operations, maintenance or management may be substituted, according to policy to be established by the Board, for experience up to no more than two-thirds of minimum experience requirements providing such years of specialized education are not also used to meet education requirements. Such specialized training may be substituted to meet up to one-half of the years of experience that are required to be at the Class II or Class III level.
- d. For purposes of evaluating education, the following equivalencies are established:
One year of education |
= 45 quarter credit hours earned |
= 30 semester credit hours earned |
= 500 class contact hours |
= 50 continuing education units |
Applicants for Wastewater Collection Specialist III or IV may substitute one year of excess operating experience for one year of college for up to half of the college requirement.
Correspondence course evaluation policy may be adopted by the Board as it deems most appropriate.
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8.1 Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements, as adopted by the Board, the Board will issue a suitable Certificate. The Certificate will state the class or grade for which the applicant is certified.
8.2 Certificates shall continue in full force and effect provided they are displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises and contain the appropriate evidence of renewal. Certificates for which annual renewal application and fees are not received within sixty (60) days from the expiration date will be considered lapsed. The expiration date shall be the last date of the calendar year.
8.3 Certificate holders need not show evidence of employment as wastewater collection personnel, except the annual renewal fee must be paid as per Section 8.2.
8.4 Reinstatement shall be achieved by reapplication together with the payment of lapsed renewal fees. After a lapse of three (3) or more years, the applicant must be reexamined in the class and grade applied for.
8.5 The Board may revoke the Certificate of any person who, after a hearing of the Board, is found to have obtained the Certificate by fraud or deceit; or who displays gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct in the performance of his duties. |
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9.1 Fees for original examination and certification and for advancement to the next higher grade shall be twenty ($40.00) dollars for all grades.
9.2 The fees for annual renewal shall be twentyfive ($25.00) dollars for all grades.- Annual renewals are required for all grades of Certification at the end of each calendar year.
9.3 Fees for Associate Membership shall be twentyfive ($25.00) dollars per year to be renewed at the end of each calendar year.
9.4 Fees for Corporate/Institutional Membership shall be twentyfive ($25.00) dollars per year to be renewed at the end of each calendar year.
9.5 These fees shall be used by the Board to defray the expenses of conducting the business of the ASSOCIATION and of the Washington Voluntary Certification Program for Wastewater Collection Personnel.
9.6 Fees shall accompany all applications for examination, certification or renewals. Fees for retaking an examination which has been previously failed will be waived if the examination is retaken by next exam date. If a person does not show for a scheduled exam, it shall count as a failure and the applicant must reapply for testing including payment of the test fee. |
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10.1 The BY-LAWS of the ASSOCIATION may be amended by, and only by, one of the two procedures as follows:
- By a sixty (60%) percent affirmative vote of all Members in attendance at annual school in May, providing a copy of the proposal to amend has been distributed to all Members at their address of record at least two weeks prior to such business meeting. If any major or significant changes to the proposal to amend are moved and approved during such business meeting, the modified amendment proposal shall be decided by mail ballot.
- By a sixty (60%) percent affirmative vote of all ballots received on time by the Secretary-Treasurer following a mail ballot on a proposal to amend the BY-LAWS. A copy of the proposal to amend and an official ballot on the proposal shall be mailed to the address of record of all Members of the ASSOCIATION at least three weeks prior to the deadline for receipt of ballots.
10.2 A proposal to amend the BY-LAWS can be initiated and brought to voting status by:
- Action of the Board of Directors.
- Petitions:
i. bearing the signatures of sixty (60%) percent of all Members residing in any single PNCWA Section Area.
ii. bearing the signatures of ten (10%) percent of all Members of the ASSOCIATION.
- Motions to amend the BY-LAWS made during the business meeting and approved by a simple majority of all votes cast on the issue at such meeting.
The foregoing By-Laws were adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the ASSOCIATION held on the 10th day of November, 1975, as the By-Laws of the ASSOCIATION.
Dated this 13th day of November, 1975.
President - James Henry
Attest Donald E. Proctor |
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