These courses cover information that I have gleaned from all of my wastewater collection books, 33 years of experience and my ability to teach a 3-day course that is intense, yet very interactive. First day is general knowledge, covering everything from safety to management with some take home type general questions that are typical of what the certification exam may cover. Second day is all math, from fractions to percents, hydraulic flow problems, and I even throw in some simple dosage problems. The third day is spent covering pump stations; pump issues, management issues, and finally reviewing lingering questions. We cover exam-taking tips, and then break for lunch. After lunch, those who have singed up with the WWCPA to take a certification exam are able to put their knowledge to use, and take the test for the level they are seeking.
I proctor the exam at the facility in which the course is taught. Location of the course is dependent on the location of the majority of participants. The cost for taking this course $550.00 per student. No meals will be provided. Courses include a binder style notebook with general information and example math problems with solutions shown in a systematic methodology. Currently those taking the course and exam have a 92% passing rate.